Kevin Wetzel

Kevin Wetzel

What's your home Mountain? 
Copper, BUT huge ups to Spring Mountain, that was my incubator 

What's your home town? 
Philly / Breckenridge 

What's the most unique place snowboarding has ever taken you to?

What's your stance and degree? 
Closest holes in and a slight duck foot 

What's your favorite drink?
Irish Coffee

What's your favorite thing about snowboarding?
It is a way to express who you are without any words. It happens naturally and I love that. 

How long have you been snowboarding?
20 Something Years 

What's your favorite thing to eat at the mountain?
Anything Veggie

What's your favorite trick?
Shifty to Method 

Frontside or backside?

Ice coast or West Coast?
I got smart and moved West 🙂 Anyone who still believes leaving the East Coast means bitchin’ out never rode pow.

Frank's Red Hot or Cholula?
Spicy Ranch

Powder or Groomers?
Pow Pow Pow Pow!